prof. dr. Arne Marjan Mavčič Visokošolski učitelj
Prof. dr. Arne Marjan Mavčič je diplomiral na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani leta 1970. Po končanem študiju na ljubljanski in zagrebški Pravni fakulteti je doktoriral leta 1979. Od leta 1970 do 1973 je bil pravni svetovalec v tedanjem slovenskem parlamentu, od leta 1974 do 1977 predstojnik Mednarodnega oddelka tedanje Republiške zdravstvene skupnosti. Od leta 1978 do 2002 je bil predstojnik Pravnega informacijskega centra Ustavnega sodišča Republike Slovenije, po letu 2002 pa je bil na istem sodišču predstojnik Službe za analize in mednarodno sodelovanje. Je višji znanstveni svetnik Pravne fakultete ljubljanske Univerze in docent za področje pravnih znanosti ter predava na Fakulteti za podiplomske državne in evropske študije. Deloval je kot oficir za zvezo za Slovenijo pri Beneški komisiji Sveta Evrope in pri Frankofonski zvezi ustavnih sodišč, kot ekspert EU in Sveta Evrope za področje ustavnega sodstva in človekovih pravic, zastopal Slovenijo v Mreži EU neodvisnih ekspertov za človekove pravice, deloval kot član Mednarodne zveze za ustavno pravo, Mednarodne zveze pravnikov itd. Kot Fulbrightov štipendist je dalj časa predaval v ZDA, sicer pa stalno predava na seminarjih, konferencah in delavnicah v številnih evropskih in izven evropskih državah. Njegova bibliografija zajema več kot 300 enot knjig, člankov in drugih strokovnih del v slovenskem in v tujih jezikih, predvsem s področja primerjalnega ustavnega prava, ustavnega sodstva in človekovih pravic.
Arne Mavčič, Prof. em. Dr., completed his Bachelor of Law degree at the University of Ljubljana Law School which, after completing his post-graduate studies at the law schools of the universities of Zagreb and Ljubljana, awarded him a Doctorate of Law. As head of the Information Department and the Analysis and International Cooperation Department of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia from 1976 to 2009, a Senior Expert Counsellor to the University of Ljubljana Law School from 1981, and Professor of Human Rights Law, Constitutional Law and Comparative Constitutional Law at the School of Government and European Studies/New University, Kranj, Slovenia, from 2001 and at the European Law School/New University, Nova Gorica, Slovenia, from 2003, he specialises in legal information systems, (comparative) constitutional law and human rights law ( Dr Mavčič was the Slovenian liaison officer to the Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission) under the Council of Europe from 1991 to 2009, the Slovenian national correspondent to the Association des Cours Constitutionnelles Francophones (ACCPUF Paris) from 1998 to 2009. He was the Slovenian representative in the EU Network of Experts for Human Rights in 2002 – 2006, and he was the Slovenian representative in the EU FRALEX from 2006 to 2010. He was a Fulbright Scholar in 2001/2002 and an editor of the Collected Slovenian Constitutional Case-Law series from 1992 to 2009. He has been a national author for Slovenia of Kluwer’s Encyclopedia of Constitutional Law since 1998. Furthermore, he is an editor and author of several other publications in the field of (comparative) constitutional law as well as an author of papers, reports as well as an active participant in various mentoring programs of national and international character. His completed bibliography covers over 500 units. Dr Mavčič has largely been engaged as a researcher in the fields of comparative constitutional review and human rights law.