izr. prof. dr. Gorazd Justinek Visokošolski učitelj
Gorazd Justinek je izredni profesor za področje mednarodnega poslovanja in za področje mednarodnih političnih, ekonomskih in poslovnih odnosov. Je nekdanji diplomat in ustanovni član Sektorja za gospodarsko diplomacijo na Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve. Vrsto let je bil vodja sektorja za internacionalizacijo na Javni agenciji RS za podjetništvo in tuje investicije ter v času predsedovanja Slovenije EU opravljal delo svetovalca predsednika vlade za področje domačih makroekonomskih ter mednarodnih ekonomskih odnosov. Po vstopu Slovenije v OECD je koordiniral delo predstavnikov Slovenije v delovnih telesih OECD, sodeloval pri pripravi programskega proračuna Republike Slovenije ter makroekonomskih analizah in reformah v javni upravi. Dva mandata je bil tudi direktor nevladne Ustanove – Center za Evropsko prihodnost, ki prvenstveno izvaja mednarodno razvojno pomoč v državah ZB in je tudi nosilka več Horizon 2020 projektov. Je ustanovitelj in odgovorni urednik mednarodne znanstvene revije International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy (London), ter član uredniških odborov številnih drugih mednarodnih znanstvenih revij (Scopus in WoS).
Bibliografija: http://splet02.izum.si/cobiss/bibliography?code=35652.
Gorazd Justinek is an associate professor doctor of International Business and of international political, economic and business relations. He is a former diplomat and a founding member of the Division for Economic Diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia. He has been for several years also the Head of the Division for Internationalisation at the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for entrepreneurship and foreign direct Investments and during the Slovenia’s EU Council Presidency in 2008 the domestic macroeconomic and foreign economic relations adviser to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia. After Slovenia’s accession to the OECD, he became the coordinator of Slovenia’s representatives in the institutional bodies of the OECD in Paris and worked on the programme budget of Slovenia, macroeconomic analysis and reforms in public sector. For two mandates he was the CEO of a non-governmental Foundation – Centre for European Perspectives, the key implementation body of the Republic of Slovenia’s development assistance in the Western Balkans and a research centre with several Horizont 2020 projects. He is the founder and Editor in Chief of International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy (Geneva), and a member of several other editorial boards of international scientific journals (Scopus and WoS).
Bibliography: http://splet02.izum.si/cobiss/bibliography?code=35652.