prof. dr. Marko Novak Visokošolski učitelj
Redni profesor za področja Filozofija in teorija prava ter Ustavno pravo. Doktorat iz prava s Pravne fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, magisterij iz prava z Univerze Georgetown v ZDA. Več kot deset let strokovni sodelavec na Ustavnem sodišču Republike Slovenije.
- Predavanje predmetov Pravoznanstvo, Pravna zgodovina, Filozofija in teorija prava, Primerjalno pravo in Angleška pravna terminologija.
- Objavljanje člankov v priznanih tujih revijah.
- Redna udeležba na tujih znanstvenih konferencah.
- Raziskovalno delo na različnih pravnih področjih.
- The teaching of the following courses: Jurisprudence, Legal History, Philosophy and Theory of Law, Comparative Law, and English Legal Terminology.
- The publication of articles in recognized foreign legal journals.
- A regular attendance at international scientific conferences.
- The research work associated with various fields of law.
Marko Novak is Full Professor of Legal Philosophy, Legal Theory, and Constitutional Law at the European Faculty of Law, New University, and Management and Law College. He graduated from the University of Ljubljana in 1992, completed his LL.M. at the Georgetown University Law School in the USA in 1994, and his doctorate in law at the University of Ljubljana in 2001. He has served as President of the Judicial Council of the Republic of Slovenia and member of the Executive Board of the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary (ENCJ). He was again appointed a member of the Judicial Council in 2024 for a six-year term.
NOVAK, Marko. The logic of legal argumentation : multi-modal perspectives. Abingdon (Oxon); New York (NY): Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2024. XI, 166 str. Law, language, and communication.
NOVAK, Marko. Kisceral argumentation in law : past and present, here and there. Informal logic. 2022, vol. 42, no. 3, str. 623-652. ISSN 0824-2577.
NOVAK, Marko. Pravna argumentacija v teoriji in praksi : integralni pogled na utemeljevanje v pravu. 1. elektronska izd. Ljubljana: Javno podjetje Uradni list Republike Slovenije, 2021. 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka ePUB), ilustr.
NOVAK, Marko (ur.), STRAHOVNIK, Vojko (ur.). Modern legal interpretation : legalism or beyond. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. cop. 2018.
NOVAK, Marko. The type theory of law : an essay in psychoanalytic jurisprudence, (Springer briefs in law). [S. l.]: Springer, cop. 2016. XII, 113 str., ilustr.