prof. dr. Milan Jazbec Visokošolski učitelj
Prof. dr. Milan Jazbec je veleposlanik in redni profesor diplomacije, pisatelj in pesnik. Zaposlen je na Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije.
Bil je šesti slovenski veleposlanik v Severni Makedoniji (2016–2020) in pred tem četrti slovenski veleposlanik v Turčiji (2010–2015), nerezidenčno akreditiran v Azerbajdžanu, Iraku, Iranu, Libanonu in Siriji. V ključnem obdobju slovenskega včlanjevanja v Nato je bil državni sekretar na obrambnem ministrstvu (2000–2004). V zunanjem ministrstvu je med drugim vodil Sektor za analize in raziskave (2006–2010) ter bil pooblaščeni minister na veleposlaništvu v Stockholmu (1996–2000) in konzul v Celovcu (1991–1995).
Doktoriral je na Univerzi v Celovcu (2000), leta 2015 je bil izvoljen v rednega profesorja diplomacije na Univerzi v Ljubljani. Od jeseni 2005 predava diplomacijo na Fakulteti za državne in evropske študije na Novi univerzi. Bil je gostujoči profesor na univerzah Bilkent, METU in Ankara (Turčija) kakor tudi na South East European University v Tetovu in na International Balkan University v Skopju (Severna Makedonija). Objavil je več kot 60 knjig, ki so izšle v štirinajstih jezikih, ter je avtor več kot 130 člankov o diplomaciji in sorodnih temah. Njegova biografija v sistemu COBISS obsega več kot 500 enot, bil je mentor štirim doktorjem znanosti in 35 magistrom. Med knjigami o diplomaciji izstopajo The Diplomacies of New Small States: The Case of Slovenia with some comparison from the Baltics (Ashgate, 2001), Diplomacija in varnost (Vitrum, 2002), Osnove diplomacije (FDV, 2009), Martin Krpan – diplomat in vojščak (Zavod Martin Krpan, 2009) in Sociology of Diplomacy: Initial Reading (Istanbul, 2014).
Od leta 2009 je odgovorni urednik mednarodne znanstvene revije European Perspectives, že vrsto let sodeluje z Diplo Foundation (, Ženeva, ter je med avtorji gesel za Enciklopedijo slovenske osamosvojitve, državnosti in ustavnosti.
Prof Dr Milan Jazbec is a Slovene diplomat and ambassador, employed at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenija, professor of diplomacy, poet and writer.
He was the sixth Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to the Republic of North Macedonia (2016-2020) and the fourth Slovene Ambassador to Turkey (2010-2015), being also accredited on a non-residential basis to Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria. His previous diplomatic postings include Sweden (1996–2000) and Austria (1991–1995, Consul in Klagenfurt). He held various positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, among them Director of the Policy Planning and Research Department (2006–2010). He was State Secretary at the Ministry of Defense (2000–2004).
He gained his Phd at the University of Klagenfurt (2000) and was elected Full Professor of Diplomacy at the University of Ljubljana (2015). He is lecturing diplomacy at the Faculty for Governmental and European Studies at NOVA University since 2005. He was visiting professor at Universities of Bilkent, METU and Ankara (Turkey), as well as at the South East European University in Tetovo and at the International Balkan University in Skopje (North Macedonia).
He has published more than sixty books in fourteen languages and is the author of more than one hundred thirty articles on diplomacy and related topics. His books on diplomacy include The Diplomacies of New Small States: The Case of Slovenia with some comparison from the Baltics (Ashgate, 2001), Diplomacy and Security in the Western Balkans (IFIMES, 2006), and Sociology of Diplomacy: Initial Reading (Istanbul, 2014). He is the editor of the international scientific journal European perspectives (since 2009), a Senior Fellow at Diplo (, Geneva, as well as one of the contributing authors to the Encyclopedia of the Slovene independence, statehood and constitutionality.