doc. dr. Marjan Špilar Visokošolski učitelj
Doc. dr. Marjan Špilar je na Fakulteti za državne in evropske študije habilitiran za področje javne uprave. Diplomiral, magistriral in doktoriral je na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru. Na upravnem in davčnem področju ima več letne delovne izkušnje. Zaposlen je v Finančni upravi Republike Slovenije. Predmet njegovega proučevanja je materialno in procesno davčno pravo ter upravno procesno pravo.
Marjan Špilar, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Government and European Studies, where he obtained habilitation in the field of public administration. He received his Bachelor’s, Master’s degree, and PhD at the Faculty of Law, University of Maribor. He has extensive work experience in the field of administration and taxation and is currently employed at the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia. His main field of research is substantive and procedural tax law and administrative procedure law.