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Jean Monnet Module
Jean Monnet modules (JM Modules) are shorter teaching programs, courses or individual subjects in the field of European studies, which are carried out at higher education institutions and offer support to research activity.
Coordinator: Nova University, Slovenia
Project manager: prof. dr. Jernej Letnar Černič
Project duration: October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2025
Project title: Jean Monnet Module: EU Human Rights and Business Law
About the project:
Human Rights and Business falls within one of the priorities of the European Union (EU) and its member states. This Jean Monnet module will provide teaching, academic events, police events, and deliverables in the field of EU Human Rights and Business Law. Its aim is to fill the gap in higher education in Slovenia by providing the first full-fledged course on EU human rights and business law in Slovenia. Business and human rights have been in the last decades under-developed in Central and Eastern European Member States of the EU. Only a few states in the region have adopted National Action Plans on Business and Human Rights. The aim of the EU Human Rights and Business Law Jean Monnet Module is to build and develop capacity by providing teaching and events and producing deliverables
in the field of the EU’s human rights and business standards to higher education students, but also through additional events and dialogues with public officials, and business and civil society representatives. As such, it will develop the capacity to internalize the EU’s human rights and business law in business operations. It will create the first university course on EU human rights and business law for students at Slovenian higher education institutions. As such, it will create unique opportunities for higher education students in the field of European studies, which would not normally encounter courses on the EU’s business and human rights. Additionally, the course will open also for individuals and policymakers working in public administration, and civil and private sectors. The course, therefore, aims to encourage and stimulate the promotion of knowledge in businesses and governments. As such, it aims to encourage dialogue about the EU Human Rights and Business standards in the public and private sectors in Slovenia. The module will therefore aim to propel the creation of similar courses at other higher education institutions in Slovenia.