Student Tutoring System NU, FDS
The tutoring system at Faculty of Government and European Studies is part of the tutoring system of the New University (hereinafter: NU), within the framework of which members and the university strive to systematically offer help to students and encourage their development in the academic, extracurricular and personal fields.
The NU Faculty of Government and European Studies tutoring committee consists of:
- vice dean for student and study affairs (chairman of the committee),
- representative of the faculty’s professional services and
- student representative.
For the implementation of the tutoring system at FDŠ NU, the Vice-Dean for Student and Study Affairs, Assoc. dr. Katarina Vatovec, who is the chairperson of the tutoring committee, which is appointed by the Faculty Board every academic year.
The purpose of the tutoring system is:
- to provide comprehensive support to the student in and during studies;
- increase students’ transition to the upper year;
- guide students in designing the optional part of the course;
- to encourage students to acquire additional extracurricular knowledge and to participate in extracurricular activities;
- to encourage students to international exchanges, connecting with foreign students and working in a foreign academic environment;
- provide assistance to students with special needs;
- provide assistance to foreign students;
- to advise students on the possible continuation of their studies or career paths after completing their studies.
The forms of student tutoring carried out by members of the New University are, in particular, introductory tutoring, subject tutoring, tutoring for foreign students and tutoring for students with special needs. The listed forms of student tutoring differ from each other depending on the criteria for selecting tutors, the way of working and the target population of students receiving tutoring assistance. Below are the basic elements of each form of student tutoring. In the academic year 2022/2023, the following tutors were appointed:

- Laura Gril a support, connection and guidance tutor and Erasmus+ tutor:
WHO AM I?: Laura Gril, 3rd year UNI public administration (addition), Faculty of State and European Studies.
TYPE OF TUTOR: Tutor for support, connection and guidance.
WHY I WILL BE TUTORING: I want to help everyone who is “hunting” or who has not yet fully familiarized himself with the entire system.
HOW I WILL PERFORM THE TUTORING: I will collect questions and submit them to the faculty report every month, and I will make sure that I provide feedback to the students in the shortest possible time.

- Miran Murnik an introductory tutor and for a tutor for support, connection and guidance:
Miran Murnik, 2nd year postgraduate student, majoring in Public Administration at the Faculty of State and European Studies. I have been a student at the aforementioned faculty since 2014, where I enrolled in undergraduate studies, majoring in Public Administration. Throughout all the years of study, I got to know the study process itself and the functioning of the faculty. At the aforementioned faculty, I was entrusted with the position of President of the Student Council, where I organize various projects and events.
I provide introductory tutoring, where I provide students with information about subjects and exams and guide them with my knowledge so that they can complete their study obligations as easily as possible. I am also a tutor for support, connection and guidance, where I organize various social events at the faculty, but above all I am a link between students and faculty authorities. I decided to become a tutor because I want to pass on my knowledge and experience to students and thereby facilitate their studies. At the faculty, I already organize the traditional event “Druženje over New Year’s dinner with professors”, where in a relaxed atmosphere we get to know each other even better and make new friends.
Every year at the faculty, at the beginning of the studies, I organize the event “Exchange of experiences, notes”, where students get information about individual courses and professors. If the students express a desire for an additional meeting, I will make arrangements with them individually.
- Aljoša Komljenović a tutor for doctoral studies:
In 2018, I completed my master’s degree at the Faculty of State and European Studies. I am currently a 3rd year PhD student in the International and Diplomatic Studies program.

- Dunja Inđić a support, connection and guidance tutor for foreign students:
Dunja Inđić, 2nd-year student of UNI public administration (post-graduate), at the Faculty of State and European Studies.
TYPE OF TUTOR: tutor for support, connection and guidance for foreign students.
WHY I WILL TUTOR: I decided to tutor because I wanted to use my experience to help foreign students, because I understand how important it is to have someone who is ready to give you guidance and advice when studying in a foreign country.
HOW I WILL PERFORM TUTORING: Depending on the number of foreign students, I could devote myself to each one and meet them individually. If they express their desire, we can organize a joint gathering where we would exchange experiences and help each other.
- Ivan Kramberger a tutor for students with special needs and for a promotion tutor:
The representative of the Faculty’s professional service, whom you can contact if you have any questions about tutoring, is Ms. Zdenka Volarič.
Tel. no.: 00386 4 260 18 53
The entire process of appointing, organizing and implementing tutoring is regulated by: Rules on the tutoring system at NU, FDS.
Interested candidates for tutoring can submit their intention to participate to the Center for Career Development and International Mobility of Nova University:
We warmly welcome you and wish you successful studies!
New University, Faculty of Governemnt and European Studies