Minor Offence Body Procedures
Course type
Study programme and level
Lectures | Seminar | Tutorial | Other forms of study | Individual Work | ECTS |
5 | 120 | 5 |
Course content:
1. Introduction to the subject
– definition of the concept of misdemeanors, misdemeanor law and distinction of types of proceedings of misdemeanor authorities
2. Fundamentals of substantive misdemeanor law
– definition of misdemeanors and substantive institutes of misdemeanor law
– basic principles of misdemeanor law
3. Misdemeanor authorities
– misdemeanor bodies: administrative and other state bodies and holders of public authority that supervise the implementation of laws and regulations determining misdemeanors, bodies of self-governing local communities that are authorized to decide on misdemeanors by special regulations;
– application of the provisions of the General Administrative Procedure Act;
– jurisdiction and authority for the procedure;
– an authorized official of the body conducting the misdemeanor proceedings and deciding;
– condition to be authorized official.
4. Prompt misdemeanor proceedings
Initiation of misdemeanor proceedings:
a) ex officio;
b) on proposal
– Content of the proposal;
– submission of a proposal
– collection of notifications and evidence of the offense;
– the decision of the misdemeanor authority not to issue a decision or file an indictment;
– the decision of the misdemeanor authority;
– decision of the misdemeanor authority on the misdemeanor and on the sanction;
– errors in font or numbers or other obvious errors;
– costs of the proceedings.
– written decision;
– formal components of the written decision;
– a payment order immediately at the place of the misdemeanor, as a result of the personal perception of the misdemeanor by the misdemeanor authority;
– reasonable application of the provisions of the General Administrative Procedure Act in fast-track procedure regarding competences, representation, language in proceedings, applications, summonses, minutes, decisions, review and transcription of files, deadlines and hearings, service and exclusion of officials.
Legal remedies against the decision on the misdemeanor:
– a request for judicial protection against the decision;
– the legal effect of the submitted request on the issued decision;
– the reasons for filing a request for judicial protection;
a) breach of substantive law;
b) breach of the rules of procedure;
c) erroneous and incompletely established facts;
d) because of the sanctions imposed, the confiscation of property, and
the costs of the procedure and the decision on the property claim;
– the decision of the misdemeanor authority on the request;
– rejection of the request by a decision;
– examination of the timeliness and admissibility of the request to the court;
– court decision-making;
– court decision;
Right to appeal:
– against the decision of the court by which the request for judicial protection was rejected and against the judgment by which the decision of the misdemeanor body was changed to the detriment of the perpetrator on the basis of the supplemented evidentiary procedure;
5. Vloga prekrškovnih organov v rednem sodnem postopku
– vložitev obdolžilnega predloga
– sodelovanje v rednem sodnem postopku
6. Odprava ali sprememba odločbe na predlog prekrškovnega organa
– vloga prekrškovnih organov pri uporabi navednega pravnega sredstva
7. Zahteva za varstvo zakonitosti
– opredelitev, možnosti vložitve
8. Izvršitev odločbe o prekršku
– pravnomočnost in izvršljivost odločbe oziroma plačilnega naloga prekrškovnega organa;
– zavarovanje izvršitve;
– izvršitev pred pravnomočnostjo;
– postopek davčnega organa pri izvršbi;
– uporaba ZDavP v izvršilnem postopku.